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This unique model within the ecosystem is a pillar of our business strategy 

As a sales agent you will be responsible for developing the customer portfolio throughout Switzerland and retaining existing customers.

  • You may be required to participate in the company’s policy: strategic monitoring and action plans.
  • You will draw up offers based on client needs (feasibility, planning and cost).
  • You will not be responsible for back-office tasks, which will be handled entirely by FinGo Solutions.

Your remuneration will only be variable, depending on the contracts you complete.



You are dependent on people and have the choice of working alone or recruiting other staff to support you

Remuneration without ceiling

Benefit from performance-based remuneration 

Diversify your activities

Mastering your career path and diversifying your activities



 fingo “AT” fingosolutions “DOT”ch
+41 22 994 77 16


Contact Fingo solutions
